Flying High on Dreams and a Budget

Reflection on Pursuing the Dream of Helicopter Flight

Kevin Meldau
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

Writing as a Tool for Self-Reflection
Writing has always been my go-to when I need to sort through my thoughts. It helps me make sense of things, gives me clarity. So, as I embark on this journey into the unknown, I’m putting pen to paper once again, documenting my thoughts, fears, and aspirations. It’s a way for me to process everything, to pave the way for what lies ahead. And who knows, maybe my words will inspire someone else to chase their dreams too.

As I sit here, thinking about learning to fly a helicopter, I’m reminded of how it all started — a simple chat with Steve, a buddy who’s a pilot. He shared stories of flying, and suddenly, I couldn’t shake off the idea of doing it myself. The thrill of it, the freedom — it hooked me.

Passion and Commitment
Talking about flying got me fired up. I realized this wasn’t just a passing fancy; it was something I genuinely wanted to pursue. But I also knew it wouldn’t be easy. It’d take time and dedication, something I’d have to carve out of my busy life.

Time and Availability
Finding the time to learn to fly seemed daunting. Between work, family, and everything else, where would I fit it in? But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that if I wanted it bad enough, I’d make it work. I’d shuffle things around, sacrifice a bit here and there, all to chase this dream.

Financial Investment
Then came the money part. Learning to fly isn’t cheap. There’s the cost of lessons, renting a chopper, study materials, exams — the list goes on. It made me pause, but deep down, I knew the experience would be worth every penny. Some things are just priceless.

Health and Fitness
Then there’s the physical aspect. Helicopter flying demands fitness. It’s not just about mental sharpness; you need a strong body too. So, I made a vow to hit the gym more regularly, watch what I eat, and take care of myself.

Aviation Regulations
Learning about all the rules and regulations was a bit overwhelming. There’s a ton of stuff you need to know — medical checks, written exams, you name it. But I figured, hey, it’s all part of the journey. I’ll tackle it one step at a time.

Career Aspirations
I even started thinking about where this could take me. Maybe I’ll just fly for fun, or maybe I’ll turn it into a career. The possibilities are endless, and that’s what excites me the most — the unknown.

Support System
But I’m not doing this alone. I’ve got friends cheering me on, family supporting me, and fellow aviation enthusiasts sharing tips and advice. Having a solid support system makes all the difference — it keeps me grounded and motivated.

Experience and Exposure
Before fully committing, I decided to dip my toes in the water. I’ve taken a few introductory flights to get a feel for it. The rush of lifting off, the sensation of freedom — it was unlike anything I’d ever felt.

Dreaming Without Commitment
Despite the excitement and enthusiasm bubbling within me, I must admit — I haven’t made any concrete decisions just yet. The idea of learning to fly a helicopter is still just that — an idea. But oh, what an idea it is!

I find myself captivated by the mere thought of it, the allure of soaring through the skies, of commanding a machine with grace and precision. It’s like a daydream that I can’t shake off, a persistent whisper in the back of my mind that refuses to be silenced.

But for now, it remains just that — a dream. A tantalizing possibility that I can’t help but entertain, even as I navigate the uncertainties and practicalities of everyday life. The truth is, I’m not sure where this path will lead me, or if I’ll ever muster the courage to take that first step.

And yet, despite the uncertainty, I can’t help but indulge in the fantasy — the thrill of the unknown, the promise of adventure. It’s like peeking through a window into another world, a world where anything is possible, where the sky’s the limit.

If anyone out there has embarked on a similar journey, I would love to hear your insights and experiences.



Kevin Meldau

Cherish life's extraordinary moments, one story at a time.